INSECTARIUM is a project based on the study of the insect order of Lepidoptera. The project consists of: creating a font; creating shapes to represent butterflies and moths from primary shapes; selecting a colour palette; creating abstract textures. The focus I wanted to give to the project is based on the metamorphosis of the lepidoptera: from the evolution of the shapes, to the transformation of the individual letters of the font, to the recreation of the insect process through the tangram shapes. The aim is to create coherent visuals that tell a story, then put together in an A5 catalogue.

METAMORPHOSIS: this font goes from Garamond Regular to Garamond Bold.
Each letter focuses on the variation of thickness, going from thin to bold.

TEXTURE : gradual and dynamic transformation from one shape to another

SHAPES: representation through tangram shapes the metamorphosis of the insect from caterpillar to butterfly.

INSECTARIUM - a IED graphic design's project - 2022

Martina Alessandrini

The project has a scholastic purpose and no commercial purpose.



